Cybersecurity within mass media
SQL injections and DNS attacks are the most common cybersecurity threats to media agencies.
Technological advances in mass media and communication have shaped and changed society in many ways. One major way is through cybersecurity. Before 1990 there was no such word as cybersecurity but all of that changed when the internet quickly became a part of people’s lives. According to Salem Press Encyclopedia, only 1% of telecommunication networks sent information over the internet in 1993 (Warnes, 2019). Compare that to the 107 trillion emails sent, or the 255 million websites in 2010. It may come as no surprise that the same year seen 262 billion spam emails sent.
Cybersecurity is something we are hearing about more often due in part to large companies and organizations being hacked into. One comes to mind that affected close to 148 million U.S. citizens is when Equifax was hacked in 2017. Many asked how can a company like Equifax be hacked and what does that mean for the 148 million of us that had our personal information stolen? Unfortunately, Equifax is not the exception as we recall several companies over the years have had their customer or client information stolen. Mass media companies should be more aware of cybersecurity because many communication devices can easily be hacked into due to the Internet of Things (IoT).
Even still, we expect our media companies and devices to be up-to-date with the latest security features and we expect our personal information to be safe. Unfortunately, the perception is not the reality as Media agencies' most common cybersecurity issues come in the form of Domain Name System (DNS) hacks, SQL injections and content pirating (Zurkus, 2018).
Trend Micro. (2018, August 22). How Cybercrimnals Can Use You Social Media Activity Against You [Video].
Warnes, K. P. (2019). Cybersecurity. Retrieved
from Salem Press Encyclopedia:
Zurkus, K. (2018, September 11). How Can Media
Companies Be More Confident in Their Cybersecurity Strategy and Policy?
Retrieved from Security
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